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My fall là gì

Tóc em dài em bay trong gió. Photo byTushar Escape

"Break her fall" = Phá vỡ, làm gián đoạn việc ai đó bị rớt/ngã xuống -> Làm dịu bớt, ngăn chặn sự sa ngã của ai đó hoặc cứu ai đó đang sắp rớt xuống.

Ví dụ
A 2016 study proposed that she died after falling from a tree, putting her arms out to break her fall in a way that seems distinctly (riêng biệt) human.

As she showed no sign of abandoning (sự buông thả, ruồng bỏ) her suicide plan (dự định tự sát), rescuers (đội cứu hộ) prepared a giant air cushion (cái đệm) to break her fall and told bystanders (người đứng ở ngoài xem) to keep away.

As he steps (bước với) with his left foot, it slides (trượt) off a small rock and continues sliding on the loose surface soil. While trying to drive his feet back under his center of gravity (trọng lực), Scott increases his forward velocity (vận tốc, tốc độ). He then falls forward with both hands extended to break the fall. Landing on his left side, he rolls counterclockwise (ngược chiều kim đồng hồ) and on his back and is then out of view of the TV camera.

Bin Kuan

Bài trước:"Out in the cold" nghĩa là gì?

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